Showing posts from August, 2018
Toshiba Shukla
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Toshiba Shukla, Academician & Vice President, Madhya Pradesh Yuva Sansad For me as an individual freedom has changed its meaning with every passing year and every time i get more free to follow my instincts without the pressure of the societal norms and judgmental people on one hand and unrealistic expectations from you on the other. Freedom, makes you chose yourself over anything and anyone else because you are your best work. I left my job only to unshackle myself from the 9 to 5 monotony and to be able to see the results of my work being reflected in the society even though on a miniscule scale. Freedom for me is to make my own choices and decisions, decisions such as, when and who to get married, as i have had strong apprehensions about the "right age" to do certain things. The age and Time are right when you think they are. Lastly, for me freedom is liberation which I get when I educate even a single person and expose him to the world and the i...
Samar Mehdi
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Samar Mehdi, Musician For me, the outside world is often a reflection of what's within. At the very basic level, any individual who chooses to not impose their individuality on another being makes for a truly "Aazaad" ecosystem. Any society that is free from the imposition of one's belief and opinion on another while acknowledging the value of difference of opinion for its own overall growth is truly "Aazaad".
Radhika Saran
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Radhika Saran, President, AIESEC, Bhopal Independence to me is the freedom to choose. The word independent essentially means self-regulation. Independent is that person who needs no regulation from external and is self determined to pursue righteousness. Independence to me is liberty from any unpleasant and wrong thoughts, vision, believes, stereotypes and deeds so that we have a bright and enlightened present and a safe, secure and responsible future. Jai Hind .
Akanksha Singh
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Akanksha Singh, Student of Law उन उड़ते हुए परिंदों से बेहतर कौन बता सकता है, क्या है आज़ादी! जहाँ न कोई रोक-टोक हैं , न कोई मर्यादा, न कोई जंजीरें, न कोई समाज की संकुचित विचारधारा हैं! जहाँ न कोई बंधन हैं, न कोई नियम-कानून, न मजहब, न अंधविश्वास हैं! जहाँ पंख पसारने की आज़ादी है, जहाँ, जहाँ-चाहे वहाँ उड़ने की आज़ादी है ,वही आज़ादी है!
Saman Khan
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Saman Khan, Talent Acquisition Manager at an US based IT company Independence for Saman is EQUALITY. Equality between men and women. As women, getting equal rights and opportunities as men, they would automatically be independent to choose what to do with their lives. Not being judged by what she wears or how she looks, but by her talent. Being able to work late at night because her work demands that and not judging her character just because she is not home before 9pm. Appreciating her work and choices equally is independence, independence from patriarchal mindset.
Niharika Sabherwal
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Niharika Sabherwal, Model & A primary school teacher Aazadi is to be able to wear anything you like freely without being a victim of deviant eyes. Nobody deserves to be judged based on the clothes they choose to wear, no matter how short or long they are. The societal problem of conforming people whether they are decent or not based on the outfit they carry needs to find its way out. That is what Aazadi truly is.
Abhishek Dubey
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Abhishek Dubey, Social Entrepreneur & CEO, Muskan Dreams Azadi basically for me is.....The day when I will be able to live my life without orthodox customs & self proclaimed religious restrictions, The day when I can choose who to get married to & be free from boundations & caste, The day when I will call everyone without his/her surname & the society will be free of judgement, hatred & discrimination, then I will be free & independent in real sense.
Ritu Upmanyu
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Ritu Upmanyu, Entrepreneur Today we have wrongly termed Freedom as absence of any restrictions. But that is not freedom indeed it's carelessness and hypocrisy. For me, Real freedom is the freedom of choice. We are free to choose and find our own way. But it's our responsibility to choose the way which gives this freedom to others as well.
Yash Dixit
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Yash Dixit, Student, History & Political Science "Where the mind is without fear and where head is held high". For me aazadi is when everyone is free to express their hearts out,without any restriction or fear. I believe, that true meaning of freedom is when one is emancipated from the self created barriers, by which we can see our true selfs our true nature. When we get into our true nature then we can experience true freedom.
Dr. Lalima Gupta
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Dr. Lalima Gupta, Medical Student आजादी क्या है? निडर रेप करना आजा़दी है । किसान आत्महत्या करना आज़ादी है। पेट्रोल के बढ़ते दाम आज़ादी है । अनियंत्रित कर आज़ादी है । डॉलर का 70.80 आज़ादी है । रिश्वत लेना आज़ादी है । दवाइयों और जाँचो के अच्छे दाम आज़ादी है । घोटाले करना आज़ादी है । सर्वशिक्षा और स्वच्छ भारत अभियान आज़ादी है । जातिवाद और धर्मवाद आज़ादी है । आज भी शहीद होते जवान यह आज़ादी हैं । 72 साल की यह आज़ादी हैं और इस आज़ादी का आदर या तिरस्कार करना, आज़ादी हैं!
Asha Fred
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Asha Fred, Model & Actor Independence Day to me is freedom of the mind... freedom from being judged ... freedom from social pre-set taboos ... freedom to follow dreams ... freedom from gender inequality ... My Independance Day wish is “May India rise and shine to be the next super power “. Proud to be an Indian !!
Pria Thakur
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Pria Thakur, Management student & Recruitment Manager, Madhya Pradesh Yuva Sansad Freedom can be experienced in ways more than one and it means different things to different people.Anything that makes you feel strong and empowered is freedom. Freedom for me is being able to have a different point of view and not being shunned for the same. It is being able to do the things that make me happy. Freedom for me is the capacity of helping someone in need. Freedom is calling people out on their misogynistic remarks and behaviour, fearlessly. Freedom is when I can muster enough strength to step out of my comfort zone, doesn’t matter if I fail then. The strength to fail and get back up again is freedom.
Ankur Arora
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ANKUR ARORA ASST. PROF. RGNCLC NATIONAL LAW INSTITUTE UNIVERSITY BHOPAL ELIMINATE WORRIES & HAVE FAITH IN FREEDOM Freedom is an imagination of every individual, which gives ability to form ideas and sensations in their mind. It helps individual to take control of their inner voice to achieve peace and concentration. True freedom will be when people start eliminating worry and have faith in freedom.
Shivangi Singh
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Shivangi Singh, Advocate I would put my idea of Azadi using a poem by Shri Rabindranath Tagore: AZADI IS- Where the mind is without fear- India Free from acts of violence and lynching & when the government isn’t afraid to act on it fearing loss of power. AZADI IS- Where the head is held high- India free from Rape. AZADI IS- Where the world has not been broken up into fragments- India free from communal violence. AZADI IS- Where words come from depth of truth- India free from hollow/fake promises by Government. ... into that heaven of freedom, my father, let my country awake.
Supreet Kaur
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Supreet Kaur, Chartered Accountant Freedom is where I can pursue what I want to, even if it is staying in my own personal space and do nothing. It is a state of mind which makes me spiritually acceptable to myself. Freedom is following a routine, being disciplined, working hard and playing harder. Being allowed to stay out at late hours is NOT what I call freedom.
Ayushi Rawat
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Ayushi Rawat, Engineering Student Aazadi also called as freedom is to be free from all boundaries that the society limits us; It’s when we( the women in our society) need not to think twice before going somewhere w.r.t time and place; it’s when we feel responsible for our doings and let the other person decide theirs. India is what we make it, and we must make sure that we make it proud nation. Free India, free mindsets and feeling this within is what an aazad hindustaan should be like!
Karan Kukreja
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Karan Kukreja, Founder, The Great Indian Film & Literature Festival - GIFLIF. The one who is happy internally is the one who is free. Happiness is being missed these days majorly because of comparisons. The one who stays out of it is the one who is happy and hence free. It is critical that one understands his/her needs and desires. Often in today's time we tend to lose our freedom because we compare. Freedom also would critically imply good health (mental and physical).
Moshin Khan
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Mohsin Khan Azadi Maa Ke Garbh Se Marne Ke Baad Bhi Milne Waala Ek Aisa Adhikaar Hain Jo Koi Bhi Sarkaar, Shakti Ya Samajik Dhancha Ek Vyakti Se Nahi Cheen Sakta. Koi Agar Nakshe Par Lakeer Matr Kheech Kar Waha Janm Le Rahe Vyakti Ki Azadi Ko Paribhashit Karta Hain To Woh Galat Hain. Ek Azadi Ka Jashn Hum 15 August Ko Har Saal Manate Hain Aur Ek Azadi Ka Jashn Hume Har Din Manana Hain Aur Uske Sangharsh Bhi Har Din Karna Hoga Tabhi Ek Behtar Desh Ki Aur Hum Ek Kadam Bada Sakenge.
Mansi Manwani
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Mansi Manwani, Architect | Motivational Speaker If there's something I've really wanted to be in life, It is, to be Independent. It's when people admire you for being so strong, for being able to conquer the world by yourself. Independence to me, is to be IN-dependent. Dependent only on one: IN-side. To be able to take my own decisions, To live the life, the way I want to. By believing in myself: To do, be, or have anything in life. By liberating myself the limiting beliefs that holded me back. It's then I learned to let go of what needs to be.. I felt freedom, when the words I spoke, the emotions I felt, the thoughts I created, were completely what I choose them to be. CHOOSING life for myself, has been the best decision. Everyday, the first thing in the morning, I remind myself, To choose happiness, To choose love, To choose peace, Because that's w...
Khyati Gautam
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Khyati Gautam, writer अगर मैं आज़ाद हूँ तो खुले विचारों की धनी हूँ, लोगों के पक्ष को समझने में सक्षम हूँ और अपनी बात आगे रखने पर अडिग हूँ। आज़ादी मेरे लिए एक कविताकी भांति है जिसमें कई कहानियों का आरंभ और अंत है परंतु फ़िर भी वह स्वछन्द है। मेरे लिए मेरी आज़ादी 'ना' कहने में है। जब मैं अपने मन को अपनेअनुसार नियंत्रित कर सकूँ, मैं स्वतंत्र हूँ। मेरी आज़ादी की परिधि मेरे विचारों का क्षितिज है
Sonam Chhatwani
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Sonam Chhatwani, Clinical Psychologist When our own thoughts meet our action,When we can see self within, When society pressure is not a matter of our self worth ,when beauty is not a face ,when our safety is a happiness feeling,When unconditional love is felt by a child within us,that is true Aazadi to me.
Sandesh Tiwari
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Sandesh Tiwari, Photographer Being a photographer, for me freedom is to click pictures on street, capture emotions of people and make travelling a part of my career where I need not escape from work load. Freedom is designing your life in such a way that you dont feel burdened about it, my passion for photography leads me to live such a life.
Vihasi Shah
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Vihasi Shah, Poet I feel and strongly believe that independence and freedom are not the same. Though both are more internal rather than external. Freedom is right to decide. It's a decision power. Freedom is to act or to deny. It's to be as you want to be and express yourself the way you actually want to. It's a state of mind where we truly act or do as per our bottom line wish and consciousness. Freedom has been suppressed sometimes from external boundaries and all other times by internal bondage and limitations of our own mind. But in both the case it is up to "us" and our strong desire to break the cage and set ourselves free. "Will will find a way!" You see? Independence is more about capabilities and our belief system for it. We can be truly independent when we strongly believe that "we can" or "we can learn". We can be truly independent when we stop doubting our self-worth and instead start believing in our self a...
Aditya Shukla
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Aditya Shukla, Entrepreneur I believe that freedom has both good and bad effects. It can either make a person or break a person. It can make a person independent but it can also make a person get influenced by wrong company. Freedom to me is to be able to make decisions and choices independently, to be able to breathe freely. Freedom is getting an opportunity to know who I really am and discovering my strengths and weaknesses. It is living the way I want to, wearing clothes that I like, eating what I relish, speaking to whomsoever I want to or going to wherever my mind wanders to. This freedom would allow me to be stress free and enjoy each and every second that I live in this world. Freedom is to let lower class people actually live their lives without getting insulted and abused. It is to let every child in our country to study so that this world can be transformed into a better place to breathe in and throw away child labour and things like these from our society. ...
Surabhi Maheshwari
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Surabhi Maheshwari, Lawyer turned Pastry Chef The lawyer in me says freedom is the ability for you to do whatever you want until the point that you don't infringe the rights of others. And the chef in me says freedom is to be able to do whatever you want without restrictions, because that's when you make your best creations! Balance both the thoughts and you get a simple recipe: do your best to outdo yourself without impinging the rights of others. That's my idea of freedom!
Himanshu Dixit
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Himanshu Dixit, Student of Law at National Law Institute University, Bhopal. आजादी को मनुष्य स्वयं में ही प्राप्त कर सकता है। यह एक सोचने का तथ्य है कि क्या आप मानते है कि आप स्वयं में आजाद है अभी ? क्या आप अपने मन को मानते है या उस अंतर्मन ( आत्मा ) को ? हमे पता है कि सुबह जल्दी उठना जितना मुश्किल है उससे कई गुना फायदेमंद है लेकिन फिर भी हमसे ना हो पाता है , हमे पता है कि माता - पिता को दुःख किसी भी रूप में देना कदाचित पाप है परन्तु जब मांजी ...