Aditya Shukla

Aditya Shukla, Entrepreneur

I believe that freedom has both good and bad effects. It can either make a person or break a person. It can make a person independent but it can also make a person get influenced by wrong company. Freedom to me is to be able to make decisions and choices independently, to be able to breathe freely.

Freedom is getting an opportunity to know who I really am and discovering my strengths and weaknesses. It is living the way I want to, wearing clothes that I like, eating what I relish, speaking to whomsoever I want to or going to wherever my mind wanders to. This freedom would allow me to be stress free and enjoy each and every second that I live in this world.

Freedom is to let lower class people actually live their lives without getting insulted and abused. It is to let every child in our country to study so that this world can be transformed into a better place to breathe in and throw away child labour and things like these from our society.


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